chainsaw carving

I charge £250 for 1 day and £450 for 2 days but there are two possibilities of what I can offer.

Firstly if you have a chainsaw certificate (you need one for legal reasons in order for me to teach you), then I would provide all the materials needed, including chainsaws if you don’t own one. We can discuss what you would like to achieve by the end of the course and I will cater for your wants, ability and experience.
The second option if you don’t own a certificate, would be to spend the time understanding the different types of chainsaws and other tools which are used alongside the chainsaws. I would give advice about maintenance of the chainsaws, tips and tricks etc with lots of demonstrations by me. We could also work on a design idea for a chainsaw sculpture, how to block the log and also work on different finishing techniques. You can then leave with the knowledge and confidence to create your own sculpture. 

Please do give me a ring if you would like to discuss anything or have any questions.